As a critical utility, we need water to run through our houses for easy access, but that also leaves our homes susceptible to water damage and mold growth. Water damage can be a perilous nightmare for homeowners, and it can come from an unfortunately long list of ways. It can result from damaged or poor plumbing, a leaking roof, flash floods, or just chaotic ways of getting out of the shower.

Water also has the subtle habit of slowly breaking down housing materials to the point it becomes hard to detect while seriously damaging floors, walls, and ceilings and causing harmful mold in your home. There are some great ways to prevent water damage; however, there isn’t much you can do without professional contractors in terms of water damage restoration, and we’ll explain why below.

1) Water is mobile

Water is hard to control, so once it’s released, it can spread however the laws of physics encourage it. This means that when you notice water damage, it’s usually just the tip of the iceberg, and there can be mold growing in inaccessible and problematic spots. A professional mold inspection involves testing for and checking locations where homeowners typically don’t have the tools or knowledge to inspect.

2) Mold is hazardous

Mold is not only unhygienic, but it’s hazardous to those that are exposed to it with many associated health concerns. Even negligible amounts of mold can predispose people to respiratory problems and allergic reactions, so it’s dangerous to get in contact with it when trying to remove it. Professional contractors have the appropriate protective equipment and skills to safely remove and eliminate the mold to protect your home.

3) Mold can grow in your HVAC system

Your HVAC system requires water input, so mold can quickly grow inside the system when there’s a faulty connection. In this case, removing mold in other areas of your home won’t work because your HVAC will continue to circulate mold spores through your house. As mold is a health hazard, it will be blown throughout your house when it exists in your HVAC system, exposing you and your family.

4) Early detection is important

Trained professionals can identify mold before it becomes visible, without any signs of growth. This can greatly influence water damage restoration as inspectors that locate mold early can restore the area before it becomes more challenging to eliminate.

5) Identify sources of moisture

Getting to the root of the problem is always preferred, and homeowners without a trained eye can struggle to identify moisture sources that lead to mold growth. Quality water damage contractors will look for mold as well as the source of moisture that can make your home vulnerable.

To keep your home mold-free and safe from the accompanying health hazards, contact A+ Restoration Services today to get your free consultation from Indianapolis’ One Stop Shop in water damage restoration and mold remediation